Residents and visitors can help us understand Adur’s shopping needs

Released: Tuesday, 05 September 2023

Hundreds of residents and visitors in Adur and the wider area are to be asked to take part in a telephone survey that is designed to help boost the district’s shopping and leisure needs.

The survey is part of a retail and town centres study by market research experts Nexus Planning on behalf of Adur District Council. 

The information will help form the emerging Adur Local Plan, which is the blueprint for regeneration in the district and is designed to build a strong economy and deliver a greener infrastructure for the area. 

A telephone survey will involve around 700 households in Adur and surrounding areas being asked about their shopping and leisure preferences, which will be conducted by NEMS Market Research.

Photo: East Street, Shoreham

East Street, Shoreham

Cllr Steve Neocleous, Adur’s Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Strategic Planning, said:

“We have commissioned the study to try to gather information from residents about their shopping and leisure preferences.

“This will give us a real understanding of how and where people like to shop, spend their leisure time and visit Adur’s town centres, as well as help us gain a bigger and better picture of what is working well and what might be needed in the future that can help the area economically.

“It is a straightforward survey, but by listening to residents and visitors in Adur and Worthing, as well as the wider area, we can develop the needs in the district more accurately.”

If you do receive a call and are happy to take part, the survey should take approximately six or seven minutes to complete. Most approaches will be made outside normal working hours in order to make sure working households can take part.

No personal information will be collected other than age. However, participants will be asked to provide their full postcode to ensure the survey covers accurate geography.

NEM’s caller ID is 01642 680768, which is unmanned but callers will hear a prerecorded message explaining why they have been called. Any information you provide will be used in statistical form only, so that it will not be possible for you to be identified from your answers.

We welcome people taking part in the survey and greatly appreciate all responses, but anyone contacted is under no obligation to take part.  

If you would like to know more about the study, or if you are called about it but have any concerns, please email

Photo: High Street, Shoreham

High Street, Shoreham


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Page last updated: 17 June 2024

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